Podcini.X - Podcast instrument

Modern, feature-rich, without access to Youtube
Author:Xilin Jia
Categories:Multimedia, Internet
APK source:Github
Google Play:Check if it's there

Podcini, an open source podcast instrument, attuned to Puccini, adorned with pasticcini and aromatized with porcini, invites your harmonious heartbeats.

Do I hear your heartbeats? Great!

Common functionalities of a podcast player are well-supported:

So what's special with this podcast app among the many?

Well, aside from doing the above well, the following make it stand out:

  1. It's open sourced, free to use and free of ads, free as in beer and free as in speech!
  2. It takes advantage of modern frameworks to be efficient and conserve energy.
  3. In addition to subscriptions, it allows you to create your own synthetic podcasts to compile your interested episodes from various podcasts to better focus on your interests.
  4. While the list of episodes (filtered and sorted by you) in each podcast serves a natural playlist for you, it also empowers you with multiple queues each associable with any podcasts to group similar contents for better listening.
  5. On any podcast/episode, you can assign 5 levels of rating allowing you to make better decisions on where to put your attention.
  6. You have 12 levels of play states (like to play soon, add in queue, or play again) to better plan and record your listening experiences.
  7. You can also keep your personal notes with your opinions/comments on each podcast/episode.
  8. It has sophisticated sorting and filtering options for you to better select contents.
  9. Sure, you can play any episodes in your car's speakers.
  10. And, it's not all about audio, video is well handled.
  11. You can cast the audio/video to Chromecast speakers/screens.

Some other podcast players can also do all of the above?

Join the Podcini community!

Podcini is under active development by volunteers. You can contribute too, with code, comments or improvements. See source code on github.com/XilinJia/Podcini.X


# 8.8.2

* straightened the filter settings in feed auto-download and auto-enqueue
* to avoid getting filtered out, added more potential candidates in auto-download and auto-enqueue algorithms
* fixed statistics screen counting not reset and not reflecting "include Marked As Played"
* amended FeedDetails screen.
* control buttons are moved to the topbar
* tap on cover image to toggle between list and info
* reduced height of header
* amended EpisodeInfo screen
* most control buttons are move

anti Anti-Features:
  • NonFreeNet (this application promotes/depends a non-Free network service):
    ⇒ The app reaches out to Fyydlin.
Download Source Issues ChangeLog
1_drawer.jpg 2_setting.jpg 2_setting01.jpg 2_setting1.jpg 2_setting2.jpg 3_subscriptions0.jpg 3_subscriptions1.jpg 3_subscriptions2.jpg 4_episodes.jpg 4_queue.jpg 5_podcast_0.jpg 5_podcast_1.jpg 5_podcast_setting.jpg 5_podcast_setting1.jpg 6_episode.jpg 6_player_details.jpg 8_multi_selection.jpg 8_speed.jpg 8_swipe_actions.jpg 8_swipe_setting.jpg 8_swipe_setting1.jpg 91_online_episodes.jpg 92_Auto_list.png 92_Auto_player.png 9_feed_search.jpg 9_online_feed_info.jpg
While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device. Some clients have this repo enabled by default, e.g. Neo Store, Droid-ify, or, of course, the IzzyOnDroid client by Sunil. With others (like the official client) you'll have to add this repo manually (see the hint on top of the package list for how to do that).


Version 8.8.2 (2025-02-23) verified help icon

Android Versions:
  • Target: 14.0
  • MinVer: 7.0
  • ABIs: arm64-v8a
Malware-Check:Passed help icon
57 Libraries detected: help icon

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