- Mozilla Rhino (Utility)
requires 1 permissions: android.permission.INTERNET
open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java.
- JAudiotagger (Utility)
library for tagging data in Audio files (e.g.
- Android PackageManager (Utility)
deals with various kinds of information related to the application packages that are currently installed on the device.
- Android Support v4 (Development Framework)
The Android Support Library is not actually a single library, but rather a collection of libraries that can roughly be divided into two groups: compatibility and component libraries. For details, please see
Understanding the Android Support Library.
- AndroidX Activity (Utility)
provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
- Android Jetpack Annotations (Utility)
library that contains the annotations for Android Jetpack.
- Arch (Utility)
helper for other arch dependencies, including JUnit test rules that can be used with LiveData.
- AppCompat (Utility)
support newer Android features on older Android versions.
- Browser (Utility)
display webpages in the user's default browser.
- Cardview (UI Component)
AndroidX library to implement the Material Design card pattern with round corners and drop shadows.
- Android Support Library collections (Utility)
standalone efficient collections.
- Constraint Layout Library (Utility)
library to reduce the number of nested views needed.
- Coordinatorlayout (UI Component)
AndroidX library to position top-level application widgets, such as AppBarLayout and FloatingActionButton.
- Androidx Core (Utility)
a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs.
- AndroidX Cursor Adapter (Utility)
static library support version of the framework's CursorAdapter.
- Android Support Library Custom View (UI Component)
a module to implement custom views. Part of the Android Support Library.
- Documentfile (UI Component)
a library to view a file document.
- Android Emoji2 Compat (UI Component)
core library to enable emoji compatibility in Kitkat and newer devices to avoid the empty emoji characters.
- AndroidX Fragment (UI Component)
AndroidX library to encapsulate part of the user interface or behavior into reusable components.
- Interpolator (UI Component)
AndroidX library to use animation interpolators on older platforms.
- Lifecycle (Utility)
perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component, such as activities and fragments.
- Loader (Utility)
library to load data for your UI that survives configuration changes.
- AndroidX Media (Utility)
share media contents and controls with other apps.
- AndroidX Media2 (Utility)
share media contents and controls with other apps.
- Recyclerview (Utility)
display large sets of data in your UI while minimizing memory usage.
- Android Activity Saved State (Utility)
provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
- Startup (Utility)
AndroidX library to implement a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at app startup.
- Swiperefreshlayout (UI Component)
implemtation of the swipe-to-refresh UI pattern.
- Tracing (Utility)
AndroidX library to write trace events to the system trace buffer.
- Transition (UI Component)
animates motion in the UI with starting and ending layouts.
- Vectordrawable (UI Component)
AndroidX library to render vector graphics.
- Android Jetpack VersionedParcelable (Utility)
Provides a stable but relatively compact binary serialization format that can be passed across processes or persisted safely.
- AndroidX Widget ViewPager2 (UI Component)
replaces AndroidX ViewPager, addressing most of its predecessor’s pain-points, including right-to-left layout support, vertical orientation, modifiable Fragment collections, etc.
- Webkit (Utility)
a static library to use android.webkit APIs that are not available for older platform versions.
- Jetpack WindowManager Library (Utility)
enables application developers to support new device form factors and multi-window environments. The library provides a common API surface for API versions 14 and later. Especially provides additional functionality on foldable devices.
- screen_brightness (Utility)
plugin for controlling screen brightness with application life cycle set and reset brightness implemented
- flutter_ffmpeg (Utility)
FFmpeg plugin for Flutter.
- MobileFFmpeg (Utility)
FFmpeg for Android, iOS and tvOS.
- apk_installer© (Utility)
requires 1 permissions: android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
Flutter plugin that allows to install APK's In-App.
- flutter_pip (Utility)
plugin to implement Picture in Picture support for Android only.
- newpipeextractor_dart (Utility)
- Flutter Permission handler Plugin (Utility)
provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
- receive_intent (Utility)
Flutter plugin for passing Android Intents to the Flutter environment.
- pick_or_save (UI Component)
a Flutter file picking and saving package that enables you to pick or save a single file and multiple files.
- ExoPlayer (Utility)
an extensible media player library for Android
- Google Material Design (Utility)
library to help with material design guidelines.
- Google Core Libraries for Java 6+ (Utility)
a set of core libraries that includes new collection types (such as multimap and multiset), immutable collections, a graph library, functional types, an in-memory cache, and APIs/utilities for concurrency, I/O, hashing, primitives, reflection, string processing, and much more.
- nanojson (Utility)
a tiny, fast, and compliant JSON parser and writer for Java.
- Flutter Keyboard Visibility (Utility)
get notified on keyboard visibility changes in your Flutter app.
- volume_controller (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for iOS and Android control system volume.
- android_path_provider (Utility)
Flutter plugin for getting Android directories (Downloads, Movies, Pictures...).
- File Picker (UI Component)
allows to use a native file explorer to pick single or multiple absolute file paths, with extensions filtering support.
- Flutter InAppWebView Plugin (Utility)
allows to add an inline webview, to use a headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
- audio_session (Utility)
Flutter plugin that informs the operating system of the nature of your audio app (e.g. game, media player, assistant, etc.) and how your app will handle and initiate audio interruptions (e.g. phone call interruptions).
- audio_service (Utility)
Flutter plugin to play audio in the background while the screen is off.
- just_audio (Utility)
a Flutter plugin to play audio from URLs, files, assets and DASH/HLS streams.
- OkHttp (Utility)
OkHttp is an HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- sqflite (Utility)
SQLite flutter plugin.
- Wakelock (Utility)
a Flutter plugin that allows to keep the device screen awake, i.e. prevent the screen from sleeping.
- android_intent_plus (Utility)
allows Flutter apps to launch arbitrary intents when the platform is Android.
- device_info_plus (Utility)
- network_info_plus (Utility)
- package_info_plus (Utility)
- sensors_plus (Utility)
- share_plus (Utility)
- Flutter (Development Framework)
a cross-platform development kit created by Google, based on the Dart programming language.
- Localization (Utility)
Flutter package to simplify in-app translation.
- Flutter Android Lifecycle Plugin (Utility)
Flutter plugin to allow other Flutter plugins to access Android Lifecycle objects in the plugin's binding.
- path_provider (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for finding commonly used locations on the filesystem.
- shared_preferences (Utility)
wraps platform-specific persistent storage for simple data.
- url_launcher (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for launching a URL.
- video_player (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for playing back video on a Widget surface.
- dynamic_color (UI Component)
a Flutter package to create Material color schemes based on a platform's implementation of dynamic color.
- Kotlin (Utility)
The Kotlin Programming Language
- kotlinx.coroutines (Utility)
library support for Kotlin coroutines.
- OkHttp okio Framework (Utility)
A modern I/O API for Java to make it much easier to access, store, and process your data.
- Webkit Boundary Interfaces (Utility)
Chromium WebView helpers
- jsoup (Utility)
a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides an API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.
- NewPipe Extractor (Utility)
- audio_tagger (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for editing and extracting information from your music.
- Share Plugin (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for IOS and Android providing a simple way to share a message, link or local files.
- on_audio_query (Utility)
Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.