
Add support for MAC Address spoofing to Android 12 through 14!
Author:David Berdik
Categories:System, Xposed
APK source:Github
Google Play:Check if it's there

Note: this app went proprietary in 2024, so there won't be updates here anymore.

Historically, setting a custom MAC address on Android was very easy for rooted users. Starting with Android 12, however, Google's implementation of MAC address randomization has made it impossible, as the MAC address is always changed when the network state is altered. If you have encountered this problem, then you need MACsposed! MACsposed is an Xposed module that blocks the MAC address randomizer on Android 12 through 14 and allows you to once again make use of your favorite tools for setting your MAC address. Simply install MACsposed, enable it, and go back to randomizing your MAC address using your favorite tools for doing so!

⚠️ WARNING: MACsposed is intended for rooted devices running Android 12 through 14 and requires Xposed. The required Xposed variant to use is LSPosed. Other Xposed variants will not work. Additionally, this module cannot be guaranteed to work on all devices. In the worst case, it can cause a bootloop. Use at your own risk.

To use MACsposed:

  1. Install LSposed. This requires your device to be rooted with Magisk or KernelSU. Installation instructions for LSPosed are available here.
  2. Install MACsposed.
  3. Activate the MACsposed module in the LSposed user interface.
  4. Reboot your device and sign in.
  5. Open the quick settings panel. The MACsposed tile will appear.
  6. Toggle the MACsposed tile on or off to enable or disable it.
  7. Use your favorite tool for setting a custom MAC address!


MACsposed 1.1.5 fixes a compilation issue that caused the release builds of MACsposed 1.1.4 to not work properly.

Changelog for MACsposed 1.1.4: This release adds support for Android 14. As of this release, use of the LSPosed variant of Xposed is now mandatory. Other Xposed variants will not work.

root Wants root
anti Anti-Features:
  • NoSourceSince: Upstream source for this app is no longer available. Either the app went commercial, the repo was dropped, or it has moved to a location currently unknown to us. This usual means there won't be further updates unless the source reappears.
Download Source Issues ChangeLog
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While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device. Some clients have this repo enabled by default, e.g. Neo Store, Droid-ify, or, of course, the IzzyOnDroid client by Sunil. With others (like the official client) you'll have to add this repo manually (see the hint on top of the package list for how to do that).


Version 1.1.5 (2023-10-16) no RB details available help icon

Android Versions:
  • Target: 14.0
  • MinVer: 12.0
Signing Blocks help icon
Malware-Check:Passed help icon
34 Libraries detected: help icon

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Version 1.1.4 (2023-10-11) no RB details available help icon

Version 1.1.3 (2022-09-19) no RB details available help icon