- Android Support v4 (Development Framework)
The Android Support Library is not actually a single library, but rather a collection of libraries that can roughly be divided into two groups: compatibility and component libraries. For details, please see
Understanding the Android Support Library.
- Arch (Utility)
helper for other arch dependencies, including JUnit test rules that can be used with LiveData.
- AppCompat (Utility)
support newer Android features on older Android versions.
- Browser (Utility)
display webpages in the user's default browser.
- Androidx Core (Utility)
a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs.
- Documentfile (UI Component)
a library to view a file document.
- Exifinterface (Utility)
a library to read and write image file EXIF tags.
- androidx.legacy (Utility)
a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs.
- Lifecycle (Utility)
perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component, such as activities and fragments.
- Loader (Utility)
library to load data for your UI that survives configuration changes.
- Media (Utility)
share media contents and controls with other apps.
- Print (Utility)
a library to print photos, docs, and other graphics and images.
- Transition (UI Component)
animates motion in the UI with starting and ending layouts.
- Vectordrawable (UI Component)
AndroidX library to render vector graphics.
- Capacitor (Utility)
a cross-platform API and code execution layer that makes it easy to call Native SDKs from web code and to write custom Native plugins.
- Capacitor (Utility)
a cross-platform API and code execution layer that makes it easy to call Native SDKs from web code and to write custom Native plugins.
- Firebase Data TransportⓃ (Utility)
Firebase Data Transport is part of Google’s Firebase SDK.
- Play Services Places Placereport©Ⓝ (Map)
give an indication that the device is currently located at a particular Place.
- Google Mobile Services© (Development Framework)
Google Mobile Services in terms of the Android library refers to
Google Play Services, a proprietary background service and API package for Android devices which is
not part of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The library does not contain those services (i.e. it usually requires the Google Framework, often referred to as „GApps“, being installed on the device), but allows an app to communicate with them. Be aware this usually goes along with transferring at least parts of your personal data to the Google network.
- Google Material Design (Utility)
library to help with material design guidelines.
- Auto (Utility)
a collection of source code generators for Java.
- Google Core Libraries for Java 6+ (Utility)
a set of core libraries that includes new collection types (such as multimap and multiset), immutable collections, a graph library, functional types, an in-memory cache, and APIs/utilities for concurrency, I/O, hashing, primitives, reflection, string processing, and much more.
- FirebaseⓃ© (Utility)
- Cordova Advanced HTTP (Utility)
Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers.
- OkHttp (Utility)
OkHttp is an HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- CordovaClipboard (Utility)
- Dagger (Utility)
A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
- Cordova Email Plugin (Utility)
Cordova plugin to access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message.
- JavaX Dependency Injection (Utility)
specifies a means for obtaining objects in such a way as to maximize reusability, testability and maintainability compared to traditional approaches such as constructors, factories, and service locators (e.g., JNDI). This process, known as dependency injection, is beneficial to most nontrivial applications.
- OkHttp okio Framework (Utility)
A modern I/O API for Java to make it much easier to access, store, and process your data.
- Apache Cordova (Development Framework)
formerly known as
PhoneGap: enables software programmers to build applications for mobile devices using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific APIs.
- cordova-plugin-push-notificationsⓃ (Utility)
Cordova plugin for Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).