- Android Support v4 (Development Framework)
The Android Support Library is not actually a single library, but rather a collection of libraries that can roughly be divided into two groups: compatibility and component libraries. For details, please see
Understanding the Android Support Library.
- AndroidX Activity (Utility)
provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
- Android Jetpack Annotations (Utility)
library that contains the annotations for Android Jetpack.
- AppCompat (Utility)
support newer Android features on older Android versions.
- Browser (Utility)
display webpages in the user's default browser.
- Concurrent (Utility)
AndroidX library to help move tasks off the main thread with coroutines and take advantage of ListenableFuture.
- Constraint Layout Library (Utility)
library to reduce the number of nested views needed.
- Coordinatorlayout (UI Component)
AndroidX library to position top-level application widgets, such as AppBarLayout and FloatingActionButton.
- Androidx Core (Utility)
a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs.
- Android Emoji2 Compat (UI Component)
core library to enable emoji compatibility in Kitkat and newer devices to avoid the empty emoji characters.
- Exifinterface (Utility)
a library to read and write image file EXIF tags.
- AndroidX Fragment (UI Component)
AndroidX library to encapsulate part of the user interface or behavior into reusable components.
- Lifecycle (Utility)
perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component, such as activities and fragments.
- Loader (Utility)
library to load data for your UI that survives configuration changes.
- AndroidX Media (Utility)
share media contents and controls with other apps.
- AndroidX Media3 (Utility)
share media contents and controls with other apps.
- ProfileInstaller (Utility)
AndroidX library that enables libraries to prepopulate ahead of time compilation traces to be read by ART.
- Room (Utility)
a persistence library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
- Recyclerview (Utility)
display large sets of data in your UI while minimizing memory usage.
- Startup (Utility)
AndroidX library to implement a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at app startup.
- Swiperefreshlayout (UI Component)
implemtation of the swipe-to-refresh UI pattern.
- Transition (UI Component)
animates motion in the UI with starting and ending layouts.
- Vectordrawable (UI Component)
AndroidX library to render vector graphics.
- Android Jetpack VersionedParcelable (Utility)
Provides a stable but relatively compact binary serialization format that can be passed across processes or persisted safely.
- Webkit (Utility)
a static library to use android.webkit APIs that are not available for older platform versions.
- Jetpack WindowManager Library (Utility)
enables application developers to support new device form factors and multi-window environments. The library provides a common API surface for API versions 14 and later. Especially provides additional functionality on foldable devices.
- package:media_kit (Utility)
cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart.
- jni (Utility)
a support library to access JNI from Dart / Flutter code.
- Cronet© (Utility)
the Chromium network stack made available to Android apps as a library.
- Google Mobile Services© (Development Framework)
Google Mobile Services in terms of the Android library refers to
Google Play Services, a proprietary background service and API package for Android devices which is
not part of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The library does not contain those services (i.e. it usually requires the Google Framework, often referred to as „GApps“, being installed on the device), but allows an app to communicate with them. Be aware this usually goes along with transferring at least parts of your personal data to the Google network.
- Google Material Design (Utility)
library to help with material design guidelines.
- Flutter InAppWebView Plugin (Utility)
adds an inline webview, to use an headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
- share_plus (Utility)
- Flutter (Development Framework)
a cross-platform development kit created by Google, based on the Dart programming language.
- cronet_http (Utility)
an Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client.
- url_launcher (Utility)
a Flutter plugin for launching a URL.
- Awesome Notifications - Flutter (Utility)
a complete solution to create Local Notifications and Push Notifications, throught Firebase or another services, using Flutter.
- ShortcutBadger (UI Component)
library supporting badge notification like iOS in Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC launchers.
- Chrome Networking Stack (Utility)
a mostly single-threaded cross-platform library primarily for resource fetching.
- Webkit Boundary Interfaces (Utility)
Chromium WebView helpers