- Android Support v4 (Development Framework)
requires 4 permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.WAKE_LOCK, android.permission.VIBRATE
The Android Support Library is not actually a single library, but rather a collection of libraries that can roughly be divided into two groups: compatibility and component libraries. For details, please see
Understanding the Android Support Library.
- Google Gson (Utility)
A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back.
- JavaX Annotation API (Utility)
common annotations for the JavaTM Platform API.
- Nine Old Androids (Utility)
Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0
- Fabric©Ⓣ (Development Framework)
requires 2 permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET
- Glide (Utility)
requires 3 permissions: android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.VIBRATE
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
- JAudiotagger (Utility)
library for tagging data in Audio files (e.g.
- Android Design Support Library (Utility)
provides APIs to support additional important material design components and patterns to applications beyond those covered by the Android framework, to all devices running Android 2.1 or later.
- Android Support v7 (Development Framework)
The Android Support Library is not actually a single library, but rather a collection of libraries that can roughly be divided into two groups: compatibility and component libraries. For details, please see
Understanding the Android Support Library.
- Android Object Preference Loader (Utility)
Android Object Preference Loader.
- WheelPicker (UI Component)
lets you pick values via a wheel, like in a slot machine
- williamchart (Utility)
library to create charts.
- Color Picker (UI Component)
color picker with color wheel and lightness bar.
- ShowcaseView (UI Component)
highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with a distinctive and attractive overlay.
- RealtimeBlurView (UI Component)
realtime blurring overlay.
- VerticalSeekBar (UI Component)
vertical SeekBar class which supports Android 2.3 - 7.x.
- WheelView-Android (UI Component)
selector with wheel view, applicable to selecting money or other short length values.
- LeakCanary (Utility)
A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
- OkHttp (Utility)
OkHttp is an HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- Picasso (Utility)
image downloading and caching library.
- AVLoadingIndicatorView (UI Component)
a collection of nice loading animations for Android.
- CircleImageView (UI Component)
circular ImageView for Android (displays images in circles, like „heads-up“).
- LicensesDialog (UI Component)
an open source library to display licenses of third-party libraries in an Android app.
- Blurry (Utility)
an image blur library for Android.
- RecyclerView Animators (UI Component)
Android Animation library which easily adds itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
- Kotlin (Utility)
The Kotlin Programming Language
- chroma (UI Component)
lightweight Material color picker.
- OkHttp okio Framework (Utility)
A modern I/O API for Java to make it much easier to access, store, and process your data.
- jsoup (Utility)
a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides an API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.
- Retrofit (Utility)
Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
- ExplosionField (UI Component)
explosive dust effect for views.