AppID: | james.metronome |
Author: | James Fenn |
License: | Apache-2.0 |
Donation: | LiberaPay |
InRepoSince: | 2017-05-18 |
LastRepoUpdate: | 2018-04-15 |
LastAppUpdate: | 2018-04-14 |
LastVersion: | 1.7 |
Categories: | Multimedia |
APK source: | Github |
Google Play: | Check if it's there |
Metronome is a simple metronome app that is designed to be easy to use and look nice.
This app is and will remain ad-free and with no "pay to unlock this feature" popups. All I ask is that you provide some feedback about what I can do to improve your experience with this app.
AntiFeatures: uses GMS.
(the application includes non-free components):