
Send messages, not metadata. No ads or trackers — only private messaging
Author:The Loki Project
Categories:Internet, Messaging
APK source:Github
Google Play:Check if it's there

Session is a new breed of private messenger, built on a unique network of user-operated servers spread all over the world. With no central servers, Session can’t leak or sell your data. And with Session’s private routing protocols, your messages are completely anonymous. No one ever knows who you’re talking to, what you’re saying, or even your IP address.

Session is free as in free speech, free as in free beer, and free of ads and trackers. Session is built and maintained by the Loki Foundation, Australia’s first privacy tech not-for-profit organisation. Take back your online privacy today — download Session.

anti Anti-Features:
  • NonFreeComp (the application includes non-free components):
    ⇒ The app contains libraries of Google Mobile Services and Firebase.
  • NonFreeNet (this application promotes/depends a non-Free network service):
    ⇒ The app connects to Google servers (Firebase/cloud messaging).
Download Website Source Issues ChangeLog
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While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device. Some clients have this repo enabled by default, e.g. Neo Store or, of course, the IzzyOnDroid client by Sunil. With others (like the official client) you'll have to add this repo manually (see the hint on top of the package list for how to do that).


Version 1.18.1 (2024-03-04)

Android Versions:
  • Target: 14.0
  • MinVer: 6.0
  • ABIs: armeabi-v7a
Signing Blocks help icon
Permissions: help icon
Malware-Check:Passed help icon
124 Libraries detected: help icon

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