
Mobile App for PhotoPrism
Categories:Internet, Multimedia
APK source:Github
Google Play:Check if it's there

PhotoPrism is a mobile app for your self-hosted PhotoPrism server as well as for your photos on PhotoPrism.Org: a server-based application for browsing, organizing and sharing your personal photo collection. It makes use of the latest technologies to automatically tag and find pictures without getting in your way.

Features include:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This app is currently incompatible with the latest version of the PhotoPrism backend (to get the latest compatible version, use the legacy links on the app's repository. The status of the pull request with the necessary backend api changes can be seen here.

If you want to use the latest version of the app until this is merged, you can either build the photoprism backend with the patches from source or use the docker image thielepaul/photoprism:db-api.

Further note:

PhotoPrism® is a registered trademark. See the project's Readme for details.

NOTE: the git repo of this app has been archived, so future updates are unlikely.

Download Source Issues
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device. Some clients have this repo enabled by default, e.g. Neo Store or, of course, the IzzyOnDroid client by Sunil. With others (like the official client) you'll have to add this repo manually (see the hint on top of the package list for how to do that).


Version 0.2.5 (2023-04-25)

Android Versions:
  • Target: 9.0
  • MinVer: 5.0
  • ABIs: arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86,x86_64
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