Gloomy Dungeons 3D - Hardcore

Author:Viachaslau Tratsiak
APK source:
Google Play:Check if it's there
icon Old-school and hard version of Gloomy Dungeons 3D.

If you loved Doom and Wolfenstein 3D and want to go to back to gaming in the
early 90s, Gloomy Dungeons 3D: Hardcore is for you! The game has so many
features that you will be glued to your phone for hours. Watch out for sore

You can change control scheme in settings. There are 6 control schemes. Press
hardware button "Menu" at any moment, than press "Options" in menu

* Virtual world simulation with 3D visuals
* Different types of enemies
* Travel through immense graphically detailed mazes
* More than 5 hours of game play
* 25 different shooting locations
* Unlock new weapons, skills and spill more blood
* Optimized to run even on 1st Gen Android phones
* All resources are free as in freedom

In version Zeemote isn't supported and analytics was removed.
Non-personalized promo ads (of new games made by EightSines) can be shown on
menu screen.
anti Anti-Features:
  • Ads: The application contains advertising.
  • UpstreamNonFree: The application is or depends on non-free software. This does not mean that non-free software is included with the app: Most likely, it has been patched in some way to remove the non-free code. However, functionality may be missing.
Download Website Source Issues
While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device.


Version 2018.07.02 (2018-07-15) no RB details available help icon

Android Versions:
  • Target: 8.1
  • MinVer: 2.3
  • ABIs: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64

Download (1.4 M)

Version 2014.10.26.1200 (2015-07-21) no RB details available help icon