Wi-Fi Reminders

WiFi based reminders
APK source:
Google Play:Check if it's there
icon Utility which shows custom notifications when connected to specified Wi-Fi networks or mobile cell.

Due to Android 8 (Oreo) battery saving restrictions starting from version 1.3.0 this app will only poll connected networks every 15 minutes. That means if you stay connected for shorter period, the reminder may not appear.

You can also specify mobile network CellID to trigger reminder if no Wifi connection is available. This method may be unreliable if your device is constantly switching between cells it connects to.

With version 1.2.5 and below running on Android 7 (Nougat) and below you could set reminders for any connected or just available (with polling turned on) wireless network.


* Workaround Android 10+ not allowing showing stored networks by adding only current network to the list.

* Replace dropdown with autocomplete edit box for SSID and CellID.

* Fix list not refreshing when removing last reminder.

Download Source Issues ChangeLog
01.png 02.png 03.png 04.png 05.png
While you can download the APKs here directly, you should preferably use an F-Droid client so the app stays up-to-date on your device.


Version 1.3.4 (2020-10-13) no RB details yet help icon

Android Versions:
  • Target: 11.0
  • MinVer: 8.0

Download (1.6 M)

Version 1.3.3 (2020-10-12) no RB details yet help icon

Version 1.3.2 (2020-07-07) no RB details yet help icon