AppID: | com.sagiadinos.garlic.player |
Author: | Nikolaos Sagiadinos |
License: | AGPL-3.0-only |
InRepoSince: | 2021-06-07 |
LastRepoUpdate: | 2024-12-12 |
LastAppUpdate: | 2024-12-12 |
LastVersion: | v0.6.0.736 |
Categories: | Multimedia |
APK source: | Website |
Google Play: | Check if it's there |
Garlic is a W3C SMIL 3.0 compatible Open Source, and plattform independent Digital Signage Player. The player can be used online and offline. It works with SMIL compatible Digital Signage Software.
Fast, powerful and simple Digital Signage Player:
What is a Digital Signage Player?
A Digital Signage Player is an important part of a Digital Signage Solution. They have different feature sets and possess more intelligence than the everyday media players we use regulary.
Players for Digital Signage play different content formats like images, videos, web pages as well as widgets. Furthermore, they support multiple monitors and divide screens into different zones. In addition, they offer reporting functions.
Their playlists include complex structures and commands. Most players get their content from the Internet and some can even be administered remotely. Therefore they have to meet high security requirements.
What is a SMIL Player?
A SMIL Player is a Digital Signage Player which uses the SMIL-Language for creating playlists.
SMIL is a XML dialect which is standardized by the Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Exactly like HTML! The language describes playlists, time synchronizations, screen layouts, interactions and a lot more usable magic things for presentations.
SMIL covers nearly every requirement for digital signage and can be extended easily. It is open documentated and can be used by everyone without licenseor NDA hassle.