IzzyOnDroid Magisk Modules Repository

A Repository for open-source Magisk Modules

This is a repository for open-source Magisk modules, provided by IzzyOnDroid. Modules in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github).

If you are an open-source developer and wish your module(s) included, be welcome to contact me – which is ideally done via the Maintenance Repo at GitLab where you can also find the inclusion policy for Android apps to be included with my F-Droid repo which, basically, apply to modules as well. Other ways to contact me can be found e.g. from the Imprint at the IzzyOnDroid Android site.

DISCLAIMER: I have not thoroughly checked the modules offered in this repo here. As stated above, they are directly taken from the repositories of their resp. developers.

If you still wish to use this repository, you can do so with the MRepo client by addint the following URL to it:


How do apps come into this repo?

From time to time, I check on Github, GitLab and Codeberg for repositories featuring Magisk modules which are using open-source licenses and provide their .zip files along with the code. If such a module seems useful, has been updated not too long ago (at least within the last 12 month), and seems legit, I take a raw look at the code and the .zip file (are there any „crazy indicators“ making it look strange?) – and if it passes, it gets added.

Of course I won't find them all. So I'm open to suggestions. To be accepted, good candidates must meet the requirements mentioned above (also refer to the inclusion policy for my F-Droid repo, which basically apply to Magisk modules here as well).

If you know an app that would fit those criteria but is not listed in this repo, you're welcome to visit the repo’s GitLab presence (where the full conditions are listed, so please make sure to read them first) and file an issue (please use the template, which is preselected; you can reset it if you instead need to file an issue for a problem you experience with this repo), specifying the necessary details.

What about updates?

Ideally the repository of the given module provides an update.json which can be checked automatically; those modules will be updated regularly (I'm using Magisk Modules Repo Util to do so). For other modules, there are currently no means of updating established – but that might follow at some future time.

How many versions are kept?

Usually up to 3 versions per module are kept in the repository, but in sum they shall not exceed the „hard limit“ mentioned with the inclusion criteria. If a newer version is released after that, the oldest version is automatically purged.

Do modules get removed from your repo?

This indeed may happen. Modules might get „kicked out“ if it gets obvious something „bad“ slipped in – e.g. by users reporting bad behavior of a module installed from here – or the developers have added too many proprietary libraries, trackers etc. (once more, see above inclusion criteria).

I might also decide to drop a module which hasn't been updated for a long time, no longer provides .zip files despite of new releases, or lost its value for other reasons; especially for the latter I must rely on the support of those using the repo to report broken ones. But generally, I plan no „purge actions for dubios reasons“. Especially I don't have the policy of excluding Ad-Blockers and the like ;)

Apart from that, I tend to let the users of the repo have a word on that, too. So you can find details e.g. in this poll. I might start more of them in the future.

You can find some details here on how to reach me with „goods“ e.g. via SEPA payment or Bitcoin. If you use a mobile wallet (e.g. „Bitcoin Wallet”, which you can find at F-Droid), it's as simple as scanning the QR Code next to this paragraph, enter a value, and send the transaction. Should the image be too small, just click it for a larger one.
