IzzySoft Apt Repository for Debian based distributions (Generic)

This is an experimental repository for Debian based distributions. Packages from this repository should work in all versions of Ubuntu, Debian, etc. But no warranties given whatever - so the risk is yours :) Still here? If you want to include this repository for automatic updates with apt-get, synaptic, aptitude, ... - just have the key configured and add a line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

Recent distributions

wget -O - https://apt.izzysoft.de/izzysoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/izzysoft.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/izzysoft.gpg arch=all] https://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu generic universe" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/izzysoft.list

This ensures that the key is only valid for this repository, and not for other repositories. Trust me just as much as it is necessary :)

Older distributions (old format)

wget -O - https://apt.izzysoft.de/izzysoft.asc | apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=all] https://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu generic universe" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/izzysoft.list

Note that in this case, my key would be considered valid/trusted for any repository that has no signed-by explicitly set.

General notes

The [arch=all] is only needed should you encounter an error message like Unable to find expected entry 'generic/<your_arch_here>/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) without, see this page at StackOverflow.

Make sure you have the package apt-transport-https installed, as that will be needed with HTTPS sources.

IzzySoft Apt Repository for Debian based distributions (Generic)
Filename Size Date Description
* dbahelper_0.2.7-izzy1_all.deb 79.0 kB 11.07.2008 dbahelper v0.2.7-1
DBAHelper is a collection of scripts to ease the daily maintenance work of Oracle database administrators. Examples are moving objects between tablespaces, analyzing schemata, and rebuilding invalid indices. Additionally included is a little framework to simplify the use of RMAN (this framework depends on the use of Oracle 10g with the Recovery Area enabled and properly sized, so all backups go here).
Architecture: ALL
* debbuild_0.11.3-izzy1_all.deb 29.6 kB 29.10.2017 debbuild v0.11.3-1
debbuild was written to be able to create packages that will install cleanly on Debian systems without going through the head-beating I found was required to follow the Debian New Maintainer's Guide, and pretty much any other Debian packaging guide. It uses the build process and command-line options of rpmbuild, but produces packages that will install on Debian systems. Please note, it is theoretically possible to create Debian Packages with debbuild, however no effort was made in this direction.
As an interesting bonus, if you're careful about filesystem paths, commands, pre/post/(un)install scripts, etc, etc, you may be able to write one spec file that you can use to create packages that will install and work correctly on both Debian and RedHat systems - and any derivatives or relatives that follow FHS guidelines.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: perl, findutils, tar, dpkg, gzip, pax, make
Suggests: pkgmake, relman
* ext3undel_0.1.6-izzy1_all.deb 32.8 kB 25.07.2008 ext3undel v0.1.6-1
ext3undel is a collection of scripts to help you recover files from ext2/ext3 file systems, where you (accidentally) deleted them from.
Though most pages in the InterNet state it is impossible to undelete such files, this is simply wrong. Correct is: It is not that easy as to simply take them out of some trash folder. Using forensic tools, as e.g. Sleuthkit, PhotoRec and foremost, the task is possible - but may require a lot of manual work. ext3undel tries to automate most of this - so it is possible to recover a single specified file - or all data on a given disk.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: sleuthkit, testdisk | foremost
* fahclient_7.6.20-1_amd64.deb 3.1 MB 16.10.2020 fahclient v7.6.20-1
This package contains the console client which is used to download and run Folding@home work units. To monitor and control the console client it is best to use either Web Control via your browser, or the Graphical User Interface called FAHControl, provided in a separate package.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: debconf | debconf-2.0, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g
* fahclient_7.6.21-1_amd64.deb 3.1 MB 23.10.2020 fahclient v7.6.21-1
This package contains the console client which is used to download and run Folding@home work units. To monitor and control the console client it is best to use either Web Control via your browser, or the Graphical User Interface called FAHControl, provided in a separate package.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: debconf | debconf-2.0, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g
* fahclient_7.6.9-1_amd64.deb 3.0 MB 17.04.2020 fahclient v7.6.9-1
This package contains the console client which is used to download and run Folding@home work units. To monitor and control the console client it is best to use either Web Control via your browser, or the Graphical User Interface called FAHControl, provided in a separate package.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: debconf | debconf-2.0, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g
* fahcontrol_7.6.20-1_all.deb 142.0 kB 16.10.2020 fahcontrol v7.6.20-1
This package contains FAHControl, a graphical monitor and control utility for the Folding@home client. It gives an overview of running projects on the local and optional (remote) machines. Starting, stopping and pausing of the running projects is also possible, as is viewing the logs. It provides an Advanced view with additional information and settings for enthusiasts and gurus.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python-gnome2, python-support | dh-python
* fahcontrol_7.6.21-1_all.deb 141.9 kB 23.10.2020 fahcontrol v7.6.21-1
This package contains FAHControl, a graphical monitor and control utility for the Folding@home client. It gives an overview of running projects on the local and optional (remote) machines. Starting, stopping and pausing of the running projects is also possible, as is viewing the logs. It provides an Advanced view with additional information and settings for enthusiasts and gurus.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python-gnome2, python-support | dh-python
* fahcontrol_7.6.9-1_all.deb 140.7 kB 17.04.2020 fahcontrol v7.6.9-1
This package contains FAHControl, a graphical monitor and control utility for the Folding@home client. It gives an overview of running projects on the local and optional (remote) machines. Starting, stopping and pausing of the running projects is also possible, as is viewing the logs. It provides an Advanced view with additional information and settings for enthusiasts and gurus.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python-gnome2, python-support | dh-python
* fahviewer_7.6.20-1_amd64.deb 4.4 MB 16.10.2020 fahviewer v7.6.20-1
This package contains the 3D simulation viewer. It can connect to local or remote FAHClients and visualize the running simulations.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libx11-6, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g, libexpat1, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglu1, freeglut3
* fahviewer_7.6.21-1_amd64.deb 4.4 MB 23.10.2020 fahviewer v7.6.21-1
This package contains the 3D simulation viewer. It can connect to local or remote FAHClients and visualize the running simulations.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libx11-6, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g, libexpat1, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglu1, freeglut3
* fahviewer_7.6.9-1_amd64.deb 4.4 MB 17.04.2020 fahviewer v7.6.9-1
This package contains the 3D simulation viewer. It can connect to local or remote FAHClients and visualize the running simulations.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources.
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libx11-6, libc6, bzip2, zlib1g, libexpat1, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglu1, freeglut3
* histview_0.1.8-izzy1_all.deb 61.7 kB 13.10.2009 histview v0.1.8-1
As a software developer, you will maintain a list of changes. This is mostly refered to as "history file" or "ChangeLog", and is - again in most cases - a plain text file. Now when you release a new version, it would be nice to put the "list of changes" on your website, so the users can look whether they need the update or not. This is the time for HistView.
The most common syntax I found on these ChangeLog files is: Some "header" telling the version affected, followed by some "underlining", and then every change preceded by a modifier mark like "+" (new feature), "!" (bugfix), a.s.o. If your ChangeLog has this syntax - great, you're ready! Otherwise, it may be easier to bring it to this syntax than to convert it manually to HTML on each and every release...
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4 | php4 | php4-cgi, httpd
* histview_0.1.9-izzy1_all.deb 47.8 kB 30.01.2018 histview v0.1.9-1
As a software developer, you will maintain a list of changes. This is mostly refered to as "history file" or "ChangeLog", and is - again in most cases - a plain text file. Now when you release a new version, it would be nice to put the "list of changes" on your website, so the users can look whether they need the update or not. This is the time for HistView.
The most common syntax I found on these ChangeLog files is: Some "header" telling the version affected, followed by some "underlining", and then every change preceded by a modifier mark like "+" (new feature), "!" (bugfix), a.s.o. If your ChangeLog has this syntax - great, you're ready! Otherwise, it may be easier to bring it to this syntax than to convert it manually to HTML on each and every release...
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4 | php4 | php4-cgi, httpd
* ifaqmaker_0.1.5-izzy1_all.deb 52.4 kB 02.02.2018 ifaqmaker v0.1.5-1
iFAQMaker is a simple PHP class to ease the managments of FAQs. Basically, it is a rewrite of the code I used in the online help system of phpVideoPro (and, besides, this rewrite partially goes back there to replace the old code) - and that is where the, on a first glance - strange-looking syntax for the input files comes from. The main topics iFAQMaker is intended to cover are:
  • Inserting/Deleting/Moving single topics (within the same FAQ file) without the hazzle of reorganizing indices, numberings and links
  • Use of templates to display the FAQ corresponding to the web site design
  • Use of user-definable makros for frequently used formatings etc.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4 | php4 | php4-cgi, httpd
* izmigration_0.1.0-izzy1_all.deb 32.4 kB 03.08.2007 izmigration v0.1.0-1
IZ_Migration is a PL/SQL package to help you migrating your database(s) to UTF8. Not everything can be done automatically (otherwise we'ld lose our jobs ;) - but Oracle gives us possibilities to script certain things. Provided the necessary information, the procedures stored within the package will ease the conversion process a lot.
While the usual migration process as recommended by Oracle uses the EXP and IMP (export and import) utilities to transfer the data, the IZ_Migration package runs a different path: We use Oracle Database Links to transfer the data and adjust the settings, while EXP and IMP are used for the structures (and stored procedures etc.) only.
Architecture: ALL
* libapache2.2-mod-security_1.9.4-1izzy2_i386.deb 375.8 kB 13.07.2007 libapache2.2-mod-security v1.9.4-2
Mod_security is an Apache 1.x/2.x module whose purpose is to tighten the Web application security. Effectively, it is an intrusion detection and prevention system for the web server.
Though this package was built on Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), it seems still to work fine even on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) - and thus probably will work on 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) as well.
Architecture: I386
Requires: apache2.2-common, libc6
* mastodon-archive_1.4.3-izzy1_all.deb 43.3 kB 26.11.2022 mastodon-archive v1.4.3-1
This tool allows you to make an archive of your statuses, your favourites, bookmarks and the media in both your statuses, your favourites and your bookmarks. From this archive, you can generate a simple text file, or a HTML file with or without media, and also search your archived toots.
For details, see https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-archive.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python3-html2text, python3-progress, python3-mastodon
* mastodon-archive_1.4.4-izzy1_all.deb 45.2 kB 04.04.2024 mastodon-archive v1.4.4-1
This tool allows you to make an archive of your statuses, your favourites, bookmarks and the media in both your statuses, your favourites and your bookmarks. From this archive, you can generate a simple text file, or a HTML file with or without media, and also search your archived toots.
For details, see https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-archive.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python3-html2text, python3-progress, python3-mastodon
* mastodon-archive_1.4.5-izzy1_all.deb 46.3 kB 13.02.2025 mastodon-archive v1.4.5-1
This tool allows you to make an archive of your statuses, your favourites, bookmarks and the media in both your statuses, your favourites and your bookmarks. From this archive, you can generate a simple text file, or a HTML file with or without media, and also search your archived toots.
For details, see https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-archive.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python3-html2text, python3-progress, python3-mastodon
* mastodon-archive_1.4.7-izzy1_all.deb 46.3 kB 14.02.2025 mastodon-archive v1.4.7-1
This tool allows you to make an archive of your statuses, your favourites, bookmarks and the media in both your statuses, your favourites and your bookmarks. From this archive, you can generate a simple text file, or a HTML file with or without media, and also search your archived toots.
For details, see https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-archive.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python3-html2text, python3-progress, python3-mastodon
* mastodon-archive_1.4.8-izzy1_all.deb 46.2 kB 04.03.2025 mastodon-archive v1.4.8-1
This tool allows you to make an archive of your statuses, your favourites, bookmarks and the media in both your statuses, your favourites and your bookmarks. From this archive, you can generate a simple text file, or a HTML file with or without media, and also search your archived toots.
For details, see https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-archive.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: python3-html2text, python3-progress, python3-mastodon
* mastotool_0.2.2-muesli1_386.deb 2.7 MB 04.10.2020 mastotool v0.2.2-1
mastotool offers a collection of tools to work with your Mastodon account. You can search your toots, show statistics and more. For details, see https://github.com/muesli/mastotool.
* mastotool_0.2.3-muesli1_386.deb 2.7 MB 06.10.2020 mastotool v0.2.3-1
mastotool offers a collection of tools to work with your Mastodon account. You can search your toots, show statistics and more. For details, see https://github.com/muesli/mastotool.
* mastotool_0.2.3-muesli1_amd64.deb 2.9 MB 06.10.2020 mastotool v0.2.3-1
mastotool offers a collection of tools to work with your Mastodon account. You can search your toots, show statistics and more. For details, see https://github.com/muesli/mastotool.
* mastotool_0.2.4-muesli1_386.deb 2.7 MB 07.11.2020 mastotool v0.2.4-1
mastotool offers a collection of tools to work with your Mastodon account. You can search your toots, show statistics and more. For details, see https://github.com/muesli/mastotool.
* mastotool_0.2.4-muesli1_amd64.deb 2.9 MB 07.11.2020 mastotool v0.2.4-1
mastotool offers a collection of tools to work with your Mastodon account. You can search your toots, show statistics and more. For details, see https://github.com/muesli/mastotool.
* monitorix_3.13.1-izzy3_all.deb 219.9 kB 29.09.2021 monitorix v3.13.1-3
Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production UNIX/Linux servers, but due to its simplicity and small size you may also use it to monitor embedded devices as well.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: rrdtool, perl, libwww-perl, libmailtools-perl, libmime-lite-perl, librrds-perl, libdbi-perl, libhttp-server-simple-perl, libconfig-general-perl
* monitorix_3.14.0-izzy1_all.deb 236.5 kB 18.01.2022 monitorix v3.14.0-1
Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production UNIX/Linux servers, but due to its simplicity and small size you may also use it to monitor embedded devices as well.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: rrdtool, perl, libwww-perl, libmailtools-perl, libmime-lite-perl, librrds-perl, libdbi-perl, libhttp-server-simple-perl, libconfig-general-perl
* monitorix_3.15.0-izzy1_all.deb 248.7 kB 07.12.2022 monitorix v3.15.0-1
Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production UNIX/Linux servers, but due to its simplicity and small size you may also use it to monitor embedded devices as well.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: rrdtool, perl, libwww-perl, libmailtools-perl, libmime-lite-perl, librrds-perl, libdbi-perl, libhttp-server-simple-perl, libconfig-general-perl
* monitorix_3.16.0-izzy1_all.deb 394.7 kB 27.11.2024 monitorix v3.16.0-1
Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production UNIX/Linux servers, but due to its simplicity and small size you may also use it to monitor embedded devices as well.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: rrdtool, perl, libwww-perl, libmailtools-perl, libmime-lite-perl, librrds-perl, libdbi-perl, libhttp-server-simple-perl, libconfig-general-perl
* orarep_0.3.5-izzy1_all.deb 118.8 kB 08.10.2007 orarep v0.3.5-1
OraRep is an Oracle Report Generator, used to create reports about your database activity statistics in a nice, human readable format - which in this case is HTML. The generated report provides you with information on the physical database design (tablespaces, datafiles, memory), users and their privileges (such as e.g. quotas and profiles), statistical values on your databases efficiency and more. It is highly configurable concerning the report elements you need. Due to its modular design, only the needed code (depending on the options you chose in the config file) will be build and executed, to save your database from unnecessary load.
Architecture: ALL
* osprep_0.4.7-izzy1_all.deb 202.0 kB 16.10.2011 osprep v0.4.7-1
OSPRep is an Oracle Statspack Report Generator, used to create reports about your database activity statistics in a nice, human readable format - which in this case is HTML -, based on the data collected by Oracle Statspack and, optionally, some plugins shipped with OSPRep. The generated report provides you with information on the physical database design (tablespaces, datafiles, memory), statistical values on your databases efficiency and more. It is highly configurable not only concerning the report elements you need. Due to its modular design, only the needed code (depending on the options you chose in the config file) will be build and executed, to save your database from unnecessary load.
Architecture: ALL
* phpdivelog_0.4.6-izzy1_all.deb 289.9 kB 13.10.2013 phpdivelog v0.4.6-1
phpDiveLog displays the information of your Aqua DiveLog LogBook - based on CSV files you generate with the Java Conduit shipped with Aqua DiveLog. A template engine allows you to modify the look and feel easily. As for now, phpDiveLog offers you no facilities to edit these data.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, httpd
Recommends: tcpdf-api, tcpdf-fonts-basic | tcpdf-fonts-full
* phpdivelog_0.5.0-izzy1_all.deb 241.8 kB 22.12.2019 phpdivelog v0.5.0-1
phpDiveLog displays the information of your Aqua DiveLog LogBook - based on CSV files you generate with the Java Conduit shipped with Aqua DiveLog. A template engine allows you to modify the look and feel easily. As for now, phpDiveLog offers you no facilities to edit these data.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, httpd
Recommends: tcpdf-api, tcpdf-fonts-basic | tcpdf-fonts-full
* phpvideopro_0.9.9-izzy1_all.deb 473.0 kB 04.05.2020 phpvideopro v0.9.9-1
phpVideoPro is a program to manage your collection of DVDs and video tapes. It stores all data in a database, and provides you with features for adding/changing entries (information for this can be retrieved from the IMDB automatically on demand), displaying lists, print labels, and more. A built in filter function also supports the user to comfortably handle larger collections. phpVideoPro is template driven - so you can adopt the look-and-feel to match your own requirements with absolutely no PHP knowledge (HTML knowledge is however required for this). Same applies to language support (but this even requires no HTML knowledge; some language files, including those for German and English, are already contained within the distribution archiv; translations can be created/edited using the intgrated translation editor) plus label printing. Additionally, phpVideoPro is multi-user capable thanks to session- and usermanagement.
Requirements are Webserver, PHP >= 4.1 with MySQL or PostgreSQL support built in, MySQL or PostgreSQL server (most Linux distributions come with this features). Tested with Apache/MySQL under KUbuntu Dapper (2006-06 - PHP 4.4.2 & MySQL 4.1.15) & Hardy (2008-04 - PHP 5.2.4 & MySQL 5.0.51).
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4 | php4 | php4-cgi, httpd, imdbphp >= 0.9.5
* phpvideopro_0.9.9-izzy2_all.deb 473.0 kB 12.05.2020 phpvideopro v0.9.9-2
phpVideoPro is a program to manage your collection of DVDs and video tapes. It stores all data in a database, and provides you with features for adding/changing entries (information for this can be retrieved from the IMDB automatically on demand), displaying lists, print labels, and more. A built in filter function also supports the user to comfortably handle larger collections. phpVideoPro is template driven - so you can adopt the look-and-feel to match your own requirements with absolutely no PHP knowledge (HTML knowledge is however required for this). Same applies to language support (but this even requires no HTML knowledge; some language files, including those for German and English, are already contained within the distribution archiv; translations can be created/edited using the intgrated translation editor) plus label printing. Additionally, phpVideoPro is multi-user capable thanks to session- and usermanagement.
Requirements are Webserver, PHP >= 4.1 with MySQL or PostgreSQL support built in, MySQL or PostgreSQL server (most Linux distributions come with this features). Tested with Apache/MySQL under KUbuntu Dapper (2006-06 - PHP 4.4.2 & MySQL 4.1.15) & Hardy (2008-04 - PHP 5.2.4 & MySQL 5.0.51).
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5 | libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4 | php4 | php4-cgi, httpd, imdbphp >= 0.9.5
* pkgmake_0.1.8-izzy1_all.deb 42.9 kB 14.06.2012 pkgmake v0.1.8-1
pkgmake is just a simple shell script to create RPM *.spec files and per default (which is optionally) calls the packager rpmbuild/debbuild to create the package. For not-too-complex packages, a single spec template can serve for all packages to build, since most information (as e.g. packager, target architecture) do not change (and thus are hold as default values in the configuration) - while others (like package name and version) can be passed to the script on the command line.
Its target is to be simple to use, and save the developer from the need to study all the details and specifications concerning the package management with RPM and Debian. Instead, in most cases you will be able to build the RPM and the DEB package with the same SPEC file and configuration.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: findutils, sed, awk, tar, gzip, debbuild
Recommends: relman
* relman_0.1.6-izzy1_all.deb 30.9 kB 14.06.2012 relman v0.1.6-1
While just being a simple shell script, relman has not much requirements. But still it can be a powerful helper for the developer, freeing him/her from some boring routine jobs on distributing the software. It will be most interesting for developers having a bunch of small projects.
In the relman configuration file, you define application-wide defaults valid for all projects - plus for each project the information special to them (e.g. the source directory, package name and the like). If everything is set up, on each release you just have to call relman with the name given to the project plus the version to release (optionally you can pass more parameters), and lean back: relman calls pkgmake to handle your source (building distribution .tar.gz, .deb and .rpm files), and then distributes them using ftp and/or scp, all in one run.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: pkgmake >= 0.1.8
* tcpdf-api_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 185.4 kB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-api v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the plain API. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, httpd
* tcpdf-api_4.5.032-izzy1_all.deb 188.1 kB 24.03.2009 tcpdf-api v4.5.032-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the plain API. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, httpd
* tcpdf-api_4.6.020-izzy1_all.deb 204.8 kB 20.07.2009 tcpdf-api v4.6.020-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the plain API. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: libapache2-mod-php5 | libapache-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, httpd
* tcpdf-doc_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 31.5 kB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-doc v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the documentation. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* tcpdf-doc_4.5.032-izzy1_all.deb 32.5 kB 24.03.2009 tcpdf-doc v4.5.032-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the documentation. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* tcpdf-doc_4.6.020-izzy1_all.deb 35.0 kB 20.07.2009 tcpdf-doc v4.6.020-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the documentation. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* tcpdf-examples_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 1.0 MB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-examples v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the example files. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: tcpdf-api
* tcpdf-examples_4.5.032-izzy1_all.deb 1.0 MB 24.03.2009 tcpdf-examples v4.5.032-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the example files. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: tcpdf-api
* tcpdf-examples_4.6.020-izzy1_all.deb 1.0 MB 20.07.2009 tcpdf-examples v4.6.020-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the example files. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
Requires: tcpdf-api
* tcpdf-fonts-basic_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 3.6 MB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-fonts-basic v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the basic font files (which include the minimal ones). See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* tcpdf-fonts-full_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 7.9 MB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-fonts-full v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides all fonts distributed with the original TCPDF archive. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* tcpdf-fonts-minimal_4.5.024-izzy1_all.deb 806.8 kB 12.03.2009 tcpdf-fonts-minimal v4.5.024-1
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.
This package provides the minimal fonts required by the tcpdf package. See dependencies for additional packages.
Architecture: ALL
* visitors_0.7.1-izzy3_amd64.deb 142.6 kB 18.09.2015 visitors v0.7.1-3
Visitors generates access statistics from specified web log files. The resulting reports contain a number of useful informations and statistics. It's also possible to create Graphviz input files showing the access paths of your website visitors.
Visitors doesn't create/maintain any database, it purely processes logfiles an creates html or text files.
With development of the original code stopped at v0.7 in 2006, and the developer not integrating patches sent, this fork includes all the Debian patches as of 0.7-9, plus some updates for OS and browser detection
* webalizer-stonesteps_6.0.0-izzy1_amd64.deb 422.6 kB 12.04.2021 webalizer-stonesteps v6.0.0-1
Stone Steps Webalizer - a fork of The Webalizer originally developed by Bradford L. Barret in 1997 - is a web server log analysis program.
The Webalizer was designed to scan web server log files in various formats and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser. The Webalizer produces yearly, monthly, daily and hourly statistics. In the monthly reports, various statistics may be produced to show overall usage, usage by day and hour, usage by visiting sites, URLs, user agents (browsers), referrers and country. The Webalizer is highly configurable by use of either command line options or a configuration file, allowing the program to be tailored to individual needs easily.
If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version (especially from the original Webalizer), make sure to read the Upgrading.txt file in the document dir (/usr/share/doc/webalizer) before running the new webalizer the first time!
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libdb5.3++, libgd3, libmaxminddb0, zlib1g, geoip-database-contrib
Conflicts: webalizer
* webalizer-stonesteps_6.0.1-izzy1_amd64.deb 428.5 kB 25.05.2021 webalizer-stonesteps v6.0.1-1
Stone Steps Webalizer - a fork of The Webalizer originally developed by Bradford L. Barret in 1997 - is a web server log analysis program.
The Webalizer was designed to scan web server log files in various formats and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser. The Webalizer produces yearly, monthly, daily and hourly statistics. In the monthly reports, various statistics may be produced to show overall usage, usage by day and hour, usage by visiting sites, URLs, user agents (browsers), referrers and country. The Webalizer is highly configurable by use of either command line options or a configuration file, allowing the program to be tailored to individual needs easily.
If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version (especially from the original Webalizer), make sure to read the Upgrading.txt file in the document dir (/usr/share/doc/webalizer) before running the new webalizer the first time!
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libdb5.3++, libgd3, libmaxminddb0, zlib1g, geoip-database-contrib
Conflicts: webalizer
* webalizer-stonesteps_6.1.1-izzy1_amd64.deb 440.7 kB 24.02.2022 webalizer-stonesteps v6.1.1-1
Stone Steps Webalizer - a fork of The Webalizer originally developed by Bradford L. Barret in 1997 - is a web server log analysis program.
The Webalizer was designed to scan web server log files in various formats and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser. The Webalizer produces yearly, monthly, daily and hourly statistics. In the monthly reports, various statistics may be produced to show overall usage, usage by day and hour, usage by visiting sites, URLs, user agents (browsers), referrers and country. The Webalizer is highly configurable by use of either command line options or a configuration file, allowing the program to be tailored to individual needs easily.
If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version (especially from the original Webalizer), make sure to read the Upgrading.txt file in the document dir (/usr/share/doc/webalizer) before running the new webalizer the first time!
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libdb5.3++, libgd3, libmaxminddb0, zlib1g, geoip-database-contrib
Conflicts: webalizer
* webalizer-stonesteps_6.3.0-izzy1_amd64.deb 445.3 kB 15.12.2023 webalizer-stonesteps v6.3.0-1
Stone Steps Webalizer - a fork of The Webalizer originally developed by Bradford L. Barret in 1997 - is a web server log analysis program.
The Webalizer was designed to scan web server log files in various formats and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser. The Webalizer produces yearly, monthly, daily and hourly statistics. In the monthly reports, various statistics may be produced to show overall usage, usage by day and hour, usage by visiting sites, URLs, user agents (browsers), referrers and country. The Webalizer is highly configurable by use of either command line options or a configuration file, allowing the program to be tailored to individual needs easily.
If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version (especially from the original Webalizer), make sure to read the Upgrading.txt file in the document dir (/usr/share/doc/webalizer) before running the new webalizer the first time!
Architecture: amd64
Requires: libdb5.3++, libgd3, libmaxminddb0, zlib1g, geoip-database-contrib
Conflicts: webalizer
Generated using the HistView DL Class v0.1.4 © 2003 - 2007 by Itzchak Rehberg & IzzySoft